SHIELD Cleansing Auric Spray

from CA$19.99
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Feel cleansed and protected with Tristen Sky’s SHIELD auric spray. This angelic spray is made from crystal essences and essential oils to help cleanse your aura or a room from negative energy and darker spirits. It can assist with purification, cleansing, psychic and spiritual protection, security, grounding, and energetic shielding. Each bottle is blessed by Archangel Michael channeled by Tristen.

Directions : Shake the bottle and spray in your auric field, and/or spray in the space you’d like to cleanse.

Ingredients : Water, Pure Lime Essential Oil, Pure Palo Santo Essential Oil, Pure Sage Essential Oil, Black Tourmaline Crystal Essence, Pure Cedarwood Essential Oil, Pure Rosemary Essential Oil, Brandy, and Love!

UV light protected bottle - 100ml

Avoid use during pregnancy or if breastfeeding. Do not use on animals, babies or toddlers.

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Feel cleansed and protected with Tristen Sky’s SHIELD auric spray. This angelic spray is made from crystal essences and essential oils to help cleanse your aura or a room from negative energy and darker spirits. It can assist with purification, cleansing, psychic and spiritual protection, security, grounding, and energetic shielding. Each bottle is blessed by Archangel Michael channeled by Tristen.

Directions : Shake the bottle and spray in your auric field, and/or spray in the space you’d like to cleanse.

Ingredients : Water, Pure Lime Essential Oil, Pure Palo Santo Essential Oil, Pure Sage Essential Oil, Black Tourmaline Crystal Essence, Pure Cedarwood Essential Oil, Pure Rosemary Essential Oil, Brandy, and Love!

UV light protected bottle - 100ml

Avoid use during pregnancy or if breastfeeding. Do not use on animals, babies or toddlers.

Feel cleansed and protected with Tristen Sky’s SHIELD auric spray. This angelic spray is made from crystal essences and essential oils to help cleanse your aura or a room from negative energy and darker spirits. It can assist with purification, cleansing, psychic and spiritual protection, security, grounding, and energetic shielding. Each bottle is blessed by Archangel Michael channeled by Tristen.

Directions : Shake the bottle and spray in your auric field, and/or spray in the space you’d like to cleanse.

Ingredients : Water, Pure Lime Essential Oil, Pure Palo Santo Essential Oil, Pure Sage Essential Oil, Black Tourmaline Crystal Essence, Pure Cedarwood Essential Oil, Pure Rosemary Essential Oil, Brandy, and Love!

UV light protected bottle - 100ml

Avoid use during pregnancy or if breastfeeding. Do not use on animals, babies or toddlers.

SAGE : Sage purifies and neutralizes energies in environments and draws protection to a home or person. Sage has a very strong, earthy and herbaceous scent. Sage emits negative ions that resemble the air after a storm or by the ocean. This herb is a masterful tool for smudging, as it can be used to purify negative spirits and impurities and can help to relieve worry, open the mind, clear negative thoughts and feelings, and de-stress the spirit.

ROSEMARY : Rosemary essential oil has a feminine energy and is used for purification, stimulation and invigoration. It assists in releasing psychic and spiritual blockages, and provides good luck and protection. Inhalations with rosemary oil boost memory, blood circulation, cognitive function and brain health, and relieves stress.

CEDARWOOD : Cedarwood essential oil is a woody and masculine wood that produces a spiritual vibration which purifies and grounds the body. This oil purges negative energy from people and places, as it can be used to cleanse and smudge. 

LIME : Lime is known for its purifying properties and bright scent. Lime essential oil is often used as an internal cleanser and can support healthy immune function. This essential oil helps to fight and protect against viral infections and disinfect the air with its potent antibacterial properties. 

BLACK TOURMALINE : Black Tourmaline crystal essence has many powerful metaphysical healing properties. The crystal can assist with grounding, cleansing the aura, psychic protection from negative entities and releasing negative thoughts, anger and unworthiness. This crystal is black, heavy and has a slight magnetic pull to the Earth.

PALO SANTO: Palo santo is a tree that’s native to Peru, Ecuador, and other South American countries. It grows in dry tropical forests and produces a very fragrant resin. In Spanish, palo santo means “holy wood” as Palo Santo cleanses negative energy and brings in luck and good energy. Palo santo has a fresh smell that's sweet and subtle with hints of wood, mint and citrus. Medicinally, this wood contains natural terpenes that can have a positive impact on free radical damage.

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL : Archangel Michael is the angel of protection. We can call on him for courage, to defend ourselves, or for protection. He is considered the leader of the Archangels, and has a masculine, caring and grounding energy. He has a blue frequency (sometimes blue and red) and is quick to come when he is called. This Archangel is often depicted with a sword, as he is always ready to combat any negative energies. This prayer to Archangel Michael by Pope Leo XIII illustrates his power :Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.”

“The shield spray is amazing, I use it everyday and night to cleanse myself! 10/10 love it.” -Kaylee K, Sudbury ON. 2022.

“A new favourite! Cant get over how amazing this smells! Seriously the best, Tristen’s work is incredible”. - Jessica L. Sudbury ON. 2022