Fairies are real.
Interacting with fairies is a big reason why I love being human and why I love spending time in nature. When I was young, I was told that fairies are not real and that they are simply mythical creatures. As I developed my intuition and awoken my psychic abilities, I discovered that fairies are real. My inner child gets so excited whenever I see them now.
There is an energy that lives in nature that is invisible to the human eye. This energy is minuscule, magical, delicate, buzzy, earthy, sparkly and playful. If you ever feel these vibes, you could be in the presence of a fairy! Fairies can often be sensed near the beauty of nature, like by wild flower gardens or by running water in the sunlight. There are so many different types of fairies, like water fairies, fire fairies, wind fairies, sunlight fairies, flower fairies, etc. As well as different types of fairies as the seasons change. Although there are many different types of fairies, all of them will not show themselves unless you believe in them first. (Similarly to the story of Tinkerbell from Peter Pan).
Although fairies are small like insects and have an intelligence, they are not the tiny people with butterfly wings commonly depicted in folklore storybooks. A fairy is an abstract energy that is incorporeal. The appearance of a fairy is more of a sparkle of light that glimmers from a different dimension. Nevertheless, if a fairy was materialized in the 3rd dimension, then the common illustrations of fairies would do them justice as they match their energy appropriately. John Anster Fitzgerald’s artworks depicts them excellently!
Unlike Archangels and Spirit Guides, fairies are from Earth, not the Heavens. Your spirit team will always be there for you when you need them. Whereas fairies can be independent, mischievous and follow their own agenda. Be that as it may, fairies are gentle, pure and bright. With curiosity, faith and a sensitivity to the magical subtleties, you can open the gates to the fairy realm! Tapping into your claires senses can assist you (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairalience, clairgustance and claircognizance). Tune in, and open your heart to discover what these metaphysical beings have to offer.